Summary and Analysis: Oedipus the King Lines 1195-1214


The chorus sings a joyful ode to Mount Cithaeron, where Oedipus was found. They wonder if some god or goddess actually gave their king birth.


The chorus takes up Oedipus’ triumphal declaration that he is the son of Chance and speculates about his mysterious birth. Perhaps, the chorus suggests, he is really the son of Pan, or Dionysus, or even Apollo himself.

Relieved to hear the possibility of something great and glorious about their beloved king after Tiresias’ terrible pronouncements, the chorus jumps on the uncertainty of Oedipus’ birth and expands on his vision. The enthusiasm of the chorus elevates Oedipus to divine proportions. This hopeful viewpoint sets the stage for Oedipus to fall from even greater heights as a tragic hero.


Pan the god of fields, forests, wild animals, and shepherds.

Hermes the god who is herald and messenger of the other gods.

Dionysus the god of wine and revelry.