Summary When the elders question Oedipus about his past, he at first refuses to answer, but finally consents. He admits his wrongdoing, but insists that he killed his father in self-defense and married his mother in ignorance. Analysis The elders here seem strident, even prurient, in their questioning. Their unkindness […]
Read more Summary and Analysis: Oedipus at Colonus Lines 577-616Summary and Analysis: Oedipus at Colonus Lines 269-576
Summary Oedipus persuades the elders to take no action until Theseus, king of Athens, arrives. Suddenly Ismene, Oedipus’ daughter, enters, having come on horseback from Thebes. She tells Oedipus about his sons, Eteocles and Polynices, who are fighting over Thebes. Ismene also tells her father that the oracle at Delphi […]
Read more Summary and Analysis: Oedipus at Colonus Lines 269-576Summary and Analysis: Oedipus at Colonus Lines 142-268
Summary The chorus of elders enters, searching for the man who trespasses in the sacred grove. Oedipus offers to come out of the sacred precinct if they promise not to harm him, and they agree. In the conversation that follows, Oedipus reveals his identity. Sympathetic, but still horrified, the elders […]
Read more Summary and Analysis: Oedipus at Colonus Lines 142-268Summary and Analysis: Oedipus at Colonus Lines 1-141
Summary The play opens several years after Oedipus’ banishment from Thebes. The aged, blind Oedipus, led by his daughter Antigone, arrives in a sacred grove at Colonus, outside Athens. Analysis From his entrance, Oedipus shows a clear change of character from the passionate, willful hero of Oedipus the King. Older, […]
Read more Summary and Analysis: Oedipus at Colonus Lines 1-141Summary and Analysis: Oedipus the King Lines 1351-1684
Summary A messenger from the palace announces that the queen is dead. He describes the details of the queen’s suicide as well as Oedipus’ horrifying self-blinding with Jocasta’s pins. Oedipus appears on stage to the horror and pity of the chorus. Questioned about his self-mutilation, Oedipus explains in agony that […]
Read more Summary and Analysis: Oedipus the King Lines 1351-1684Summary and Analysis: Oedipus the King Lines 1311-1350
Summary The chorus laments Oedipus’ discovery of his birth, wondering at the king’s fall from power and greatness. Analysis Just as the previous ode expands on Oedipus’ confidence, this ode reflects and magnifies his horror and pain. The chorus chooses Oedipus as its example of the fragility of human life. […]
Read more Summary and Analysis: Oedipus the King Lines 1311-1350Summary and Analysis: Oedipus the King Lines 1215-1310
Summary The shepherd arrives but resists telling what he knows. Only when Oedipus threatens violence does the shepherd reveal that long ago he disobeyed his orders and saved the baby out of pity. And, finally, he admits that the baby was the son of Laius and Jocasta. With this news, […]
Read more Summary and Analysis: Oedipus the King Lines 1215-1310Summary and Analysis: Oedipus the King Lines 1195-1214
Summary The chorus sings a joyful ode to Mount Cithaeron, where Oedipus was found. They wonder if some god or goddess actually gave their king birth. Analysis The chorus takes up Oedipus’ triumphal declaration that he is the son of Chance and speculates about his mysterious birth. Perhaps, the chorus […]
Read more Summary and Analysis: Oedipus the King Lines 1195-1214Summary and Analysis: Oedipus the King Lines 997-1194
Summary As Jocasta makes a sacrifice to Apollo, a messenger arrives to announce the death of Polybus. Oedipus rejoices at the news that the father he feared he would kill has died of natural causes, but he continues to worry about the prophecy because his mother still lives. Overhearing Oedipus, […]
Read more Summary and Analysis: Oedipus the King Lines 997-1194Summary and Analysis: Oedipus the King Lines 954-996
Summary The chorus glorifies the gods and destiny, rejecting human pride. Analysis In the ode, the chorus reflects Oedipus’ emerging belief that the prophecies may be correct and that the gods will tear down the proud. Note especially the nostalgic tone of the conclusion, when the chorus laments the erosion […]
Read more Summary and Analysis: Oedipus the King Lines 954-996